About us?

Lactomilk S.L, is a company dedicated to the production and marketing of dairy machinery for cheese factories and dairy product processing plants, etc.

Lactomilk has more than 15 years of experience in the sector, both nationally and internationally, which supports us and has allowed us to adapt to the specific needs of each client, a fundamental priority in our company. All our products (manufactured in AISI 304 or 316) are guaranteed by the ISO 9001 standard, the CE marking and the regulations that certify food use.

Our engineering department, together with the monitoring carried out on each client and installation, has allowed us to combine two until now antagonistic characteristics: modern production technology with a handcrafted finish depending on the requirements of each client. This has allowed us to develop several product lines, adapting to the needs of the market and each client in particular, products that range from the receipt of raw materials to the manufacturing and packaging of the final product.

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